Support Staff Policies & Procedures

Support Staff Policy & Procedure for Performance Reviews

Last updated May 18, 2016


Applies to: University support staff

Employees shall receive an Annual Review each year as part of the MSU Performance Excellence program. Within 30 days of the Annual Review, employees will participate in a Performance Planning session with their supervisor to clarify expectations and establish goals and a professional development plan for the coming year. 


MSU Human Resources Employee Records: Performance Excellence forms are available on the Performance Excellence website for completion by the supervisor.

An email reminder is sent to the supervisor a month in advance of when the Annual Review is due for an employee, and will continue to be sent each month until the review is completed. In addition, reminders of review due dates are available in the EBS portal. Performance reviews are normally scheduled based on the hire date of the employee's most recent position. However, alternate schedules may be approved by MSU Human Resources in some cases. 

The immediate supervisor is responsible for following Performance Excellence guidelines including timely and thoughtful completion of Performance Planning and Annual Reviews. Supervisors are encouraged to have frequent feedback discussions with employees during the evaluation year.

For more information on performance appraisal guidelines, see the Performance Excellence website, or call MSU Human Resources.

Employee/department: Upon completion of the Performance Planning meeting and the Annual Review meeting, the employee and supervisor should sign the appropriate forms. The original forms must be sent to MSU Human Resources Solutions Center. Distribute copies of the completed review form to the employee and the supervisor.

Refer questions to: MSU Human Resources Solutions Center (telephone 517-353-4434, e-mail)

Revision History

5/18/16 - Removed reference to reminder of dates.

1/12/2016 - updated references to PDP to reflect Performance Excellence changes

3/1/2013 - Updated page to reflect current process on how to obtain the PDP

01/31/2013 - Removed department head signature line

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