Support Staff

Retirement Plans

MSU provides two different retirement plans: the MSU 403(b) Retirement Plan and the MSU 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan.

MSU 403(b) Retirement Plan

Michigan State University sponsors a tax-deferred defined contribution plan operated under section 403(b) of the Internal Revenue Code. The MSU 403(b) Retirement Plan consists of two different programs: the MSU 403(b) Base Retirement Program (BRP) and the MSU 403(b) Supplemental Retirement Program (SRP).

MSU 403(b) Base Retirement Program (BRP)

Eligibility: Participation is dependent upon length of service and is mandatory for many employees, based on the collective bargaining agreements. For more information on eligibility and other details, please refer to the MSU Human Resources website or contact MSU Human Resources at 517-353-4434, 800-353-4434, or

Coverage: Upon termination or retirement, the program can provide an income based on the total amount accumulated from the employee’s and the University’s contributions, and the earnings on those accounts.

Cost: For eligible employees, the MSU 403(b) Base Retirement Program consists of a 5 percent contribution from the employee’s base wage/salary and a University contribution of 10 percent of base wage/salary. For more information regarding the Base Retirement Program, click here.

MSU 403(b) Supplemental Retirement Program (SRP)

Generally, all MSU employees may contribute to the 403(b) Supplemental Retirement Program (SRP), and is funded entirely by employee contributions. Even if you are not eligible for the Base Retirement Program, you can still participate in the Supplemental Retirement Program. For more information regarding the Supplemental Retirement Program, click here or contact MSU Human Resources at 517-353-4434, 800-353-4434 or

MSU 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan (DCP)

Michigan State University also sponsors a voluntary, tax-deferred 457(b) Deferred Compensation Plan (DCP). The amount that can be contributed is completely separate from the amounts contributed to the MSU 403(b) Retirement Plan. For more information, visit the MSU Human Resources website or contact MSU Human Resources at 517-353-4434, 800-353-4434 or
