Academic Specialist Manual

4.4 Extension of Probationary Appointments

4/2020 Added COVID-19 Automatic Extension

4.4.1 Extension of Probationary Period due to Leaves of Absence

An academic specialist with probationary status who is granted a leave of absence of six to twelve months will have the appointment period extended by one year. Additional leaves of absence without pay of six to twelve months will result in further one-year extension(s). For leaves of absence without pay of three to six months, the probationary appointment period may be extended by one year by mutual agreement.

4.4.2  Extension of the Probationary Period due to COVID-19 Pandemic

Because of the disruptive impact of COVID-19 on academic specialist accomplishments, the probationary period for all continuing system academic specialist have been extended by one year. This automatic extension only applies to Continuing Appointment System probationary specialists hired as of Spring 2020, but excludes those being reviewed during 2019-2020, as the accomplishments described in those materials had been completed before the impact of COVID-19. 

Academic Specialists who do not wish to have their probationary period extended automatically, must notify their dean, chair or school director no later than the due date for the submission of their Form C materials, who will notify Faculty and Academic Staff Affairs. In addition, if the waiver of the extension occurs during the first probationary period, the academic specialist is bound by the outcome of the reappointment review if unsuccessful.

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