Academic Specialist Manual
2.1 Academic Governance
The distribution of elected positions on the Academic Specialist Advisory Committee among the functional areas reflects the current distribution of academic specialist appointments; at six year intervals, a review will be made of the pattern of academic specialist appointments to accommodate any changes in the distribution of academic specialists among the various functional areas.
Nominations and elections shall be administered during the Spring semester by the Office of the Secretary for Academic Governance, in consultation with the Office of the Associate Provost and Associate Vice President for Faculty and Academic Staff Affairs. Advisory Committee members shall serve three-year terms on a staggered basis; appointed Committee members serve a one-year term. A limit of two consecutive three-year elected terms shall apply; an individual may only serve six consecutive one-year appointed terms. All academic specialists with continuing, probationary and fixed term appointment status as of January 1 of the year of the election are eligible to be nominated and to vote in advisory committee elections.
The Bylaws of the Academic Specialist Advisory Committee provide additional detailed information about Committee membership and nomination and election procedures. Copies of the bylaws are available from the Associate Provost and Associate Vice President for Faculty and Academic Staff Affairs.
Finally, the University strongly recommends that the academic specialist be extended governance enfranchisement at the college and other administrative unit levels by individual units pursuant to the Bylaws for Academic Governance.
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