Support Staff Policies & Procedures

What is a Flexible Work Arrangement? (Support Staff)

Flexible work arrangements can be a useful method to maintain unit service while supporting employees' personal needs.

Though flexible work arrangements do not work for all employees or all types of jobs, when used appropriately, flexible work arrangements can be a win-win situation for both departments and employees. Studies show that work schedule flexibility can yield many benefits including increased productivity, improved morale, decreased absenteeism and turnover and improved quality of work. For more in-depth research-based information on the personal and workplace impacts of flexible scheduling, visit the MSU WorkLife Office website.

Flexible work schedules at MSU entail arrangements between supervisors and employees that allow employees to complete their employment duties while working non-traditional schedules.

Flexible Work Arrangements ARE:

Flexible Work Arrangements ARE NOT:

Flexible work arrangements usually do not reduce the actual number of hours worked. Examples include:

* Certain unions, including 1585 Service Maintenance, SSTU Skilled Trades and 324 Power Plant may prohibit arrangements that entail working more than 8 hours per day unless overtime is provided. Flexible schedule options should never entail overtime. Arrangements which entail working more than 8 hours in a day or more than 40 hours in a week may be impacted by the requirements of certain Union Contracts. For assistance in determining if a specific flexible work arrangement meets the requirements of a particular union contract, contact MSU Human Resources at 517-353-4434.

Please refer to the Considerations for Flexible Scheduling of Support Staff chart for more details on overtime issues to consider. Some additional types of flexible work arrangements include:

** Administrative Professional, Administrative Professional Supervisors and Clerical Technical employees may be eligible for flexible appointments. Please contact MSU Human Resources at 517-353-4434 for additional assistance.

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