Health Programs
X. Dismissal and Discipline of HP Faculty Members
An HP faculty member may be dismissed for cause for reasons such as, but not limited to, lack of a valid license, or other clinical credentialing, (e.g., failure to be able to obtain clinical privileges, loss of license or privileges because of an action by the University, a health care entity or governmental licensing agency), incompetence and other reasons for dismissal as defined in the "MSU Discipline and Dismissal of Tenured Faculty For Cause Procedures" (see Faculty Handbook). Conduct that is professionally unethical or action that endangers patient safety is cause for immediate suspension and dismissal following notice of dismissal. Practice privileges may be suspended by the deans of the medical and nursing colleges at any time.
Prior to initiating dismissal action, the Unit administrators (chairs) shall consult with the dean/separately reporting director who shall consult with the Vice Provost for Faculty and Academic Staff Affairs to determine if initiation of dismissal action is appropriate.
An HP faculty member must be notified in writing that the University is considering dismissal, and the basis upon which dismissal is being considered. Upon notification, the HP faculty member must have the opportunity to meet with the appropriate responsible administrators to review the reasons that dismissal is being considered. The faculty member shall have an opportunity to present oral and written evidence in support of his/her position and in response to the reasons for dismissal set forth by the responsible administrators. At this meeting the HP faculty member may be accompanied by a representative of his/her choosing, including legal counsel. The responsible administrators may also be advised by legal counsel. After the above referenced meeting, termination action may be taken if the responsible administrators believe that dismissal is warranted.
If dismissal action is taken, the administrator must provide a written termination notice to the HP faculty member including the reasons for termination and inform the HP faculty member of the right to file a grievance under the Faculty Grievance Policy. An HP faculty member will be terminated no earlier than 30 days after the date of the termination notice.
Where disciplinary action short of dismissal for cause is sought, the unit administrator, after consultation with the dean or separately reporting director and the Associate Provost for Faculty and Academic Staff Affairs, shall provide the faculty member with written notice of the cause for disciplinary action and an opportunity to respond prior to the imposition of any disciplinary action.
After receiving the response, the unit administrator shall make a decision regarding the disciplinary action and notify the faculty member in writing. The faculty member may challenge the imposition of any disciplinary action by the unit administrator by filing a grievance under provisions of the Faculty Grievance Policy. The processing of such grievance shall be expedited. No disciplinary action, except temporary reassignment of duties or temporary suspension with pay, shall be implemented during the pendency of the grievance.
Disciplinary action may include but is not limited to reprimand, suspension with or without pay, reassignment of duties, foregoing salary increase and/or benefit improvements, and mandatory counseling and/or monitoring of behavior and performance. Suspension without pay may not exceed six months.
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