FRIB-NSCL Faculty Positions

II. Role and Responsibility

A. FRIB/NSCL Faculty are expected to make high quality contributions to research, teaching, student mentoring and service in support of the FRIB/NSCL mission and the teaching goals of their academic unit. The teaching load of FRIB/NSCL Faculty in their academic unit will normally be equal to the teaching load of the FRIB/NSCL tenure system faculty in the respective unit, thus reducing the average teaching load of the Laboratory faculty.

B. Research conducted by FRIB/NSCL Faculty is expected to be of excellent quality as determined by peer review and to be directed toward further enhancement of the national role of the FRIB and its long-term objectives.

C. FRIB/NSCL Faculty will participate in laboratory faculty meetings and will have the same voting rights as tenure system faculty at the FRIB.

D. FRIB/NSCL Faculty may act as senior investigators on sponsored research projects with approvals according to applicable University procedures and policies and may act as advisors to graduate students in thesis research.

E. Consistent with the Bylaws for Academic Governance, full time FRIB/NSCL Faculty who have served at least three consecutive years may be elected to an academic governance body, with the exception of the University Committee on Faculty Tenure, as a representative of any unit in which the FRIB/NSCL Faculty member holds a joint appointment.

F. The rights and responsibilities of FRIB/NSCL Faculty in their academic unit may vary and will be defined within the bylaws of the respective academic unit.
