FRIB-NSCL Faculty Positions
VIII. Professional Development
A. FRIB/NSCL Faculty members are encouraged to take advantage of special conferences, seminars, colloquia, and other short-term activities and programs which will add to or update their professional knowledge and skills. Attendance at professional meetings and participation in programs which are held outside of the immediate geographic area require the approval of the appropriate FRIB Division Director and completion of Travel Authorization forms.
B. Extended release time for assignment to scholarly duties may be granted to FRIB/NSCL Faculty with six or more years of service to the University in order to enhance professional competency and for scholarly pursuit. Such activities are intended for the mutual benefit of the Laboratory, the University and the FRIB/NSCL Faculty member. The purpose is to encourage academic and institutional revitalization by providing sustained time for research/creative activities; development of new courses or programs; acquisition of expanded and/or new qualifications and skills; contribution to unit plans to improve and/or refocus instructional, research, or public service activities in accordance with the missions of the University. Extended release time for assignment to scholarly duties is not granted automatically and must be approved by the Laboratory Director in consultation with the Department Chair of the academic unit in which the FRIB/NSCL Faculty member holds a joint appointment. Extended release time must be requested in writing by the FRIB/NSCL Faculty member and directed to the Laboratory Director. Requests must include a detailed description of the purposes, objectives, and scholarly and research activities of the proposed extended release time. The plan should indicate how the objectives and accomplishments of the extended release time will advance the interests and capabilities of the FRIB/NSCL Faculty member for fulfilling the aims, objectives and goals of the Laboratory, academic unit, college and/or University. Extended release time for assignment to scholarly duties for more than six months requires approval of the Provost or designee. Funding for extended release time and assignment to scholarly duties is provided by the unit.