FRIB-NSCL Faculty Positions

IX. General Conditions

Additional information on other aspects of employment for FRIB/NSCL Faculty is referenced or contained in the following appendix.

APPENDIX I - MSU Faculty Handbook References

The following references to the MSU Faculty Handbook apply to this document. The Faculty Grievance Policy, tenure policies and sabbatical leave of absence policy contained in the Faculty Handbook do not apply to FRIB/NSCL Faculty.

Section III University Policies 
All sections apply.

Section IV Faculty and Academic Staff Affairs Policies 
The following sections apply.

Health Assessment
Identification Cards
Jury Duty
Payroll Procedures
Leaves of Absence

Bridging Breaks in Service
Credit for Past Service
Participation in Partisan Political Activities
Study at MSU by Faculty Members
Course Fee Courtesy
Outside Work for Pay

Section V Instruction 
All sections apply.

Section VI Research and Creative Endeavor 
All sections apply.

Section VII Faculty and Academic Staff Retirement and Benefit Programs 
All sections apply.
