FRIB-NSCL Faculty Positions
VII. Expiration or Termination of Appointment
A. The University has no obligation to provide reappointment or extension of an FRIB/NSCL Faculty appointment beyond the current end date. Except in the case of dismissal for cause (see paragraph VII.D.), a written notice of at least 12 months will be provided prior to expiration or termination of the appointment.
B. In the event that the operation and research funds of the FRIB/NSCL are terminated or drastically cut it may be necessary to reduce or eliminate FRIB/NSCL Faculty positions. In this case and after review by the Provost or designee, FRIB/NSCL Faculty appointments may be allowed to expire at the end of their current term.
C. FRIB/NSCL Faculty appointments may be allowed to expire at the end of their current term for failure to meet the responsibilities as defined in Sections II.A. and II.B. The determination of inadequate performance will consider a period of at least two years. Based on the annual performance reviews, the Laboratory Director will ask for a recommendation by a majority of Laboratory Faculty who are of higher rank than the FRIB/NSCL Faculty member. For professors, Laboratory Faculty of equal rank will make the recommendation. The final decision is made by the Laboratory Director.
D. FRIB/NSCL Faculty may be dismissed immediately for cause including but not limited to (1) intellectual dishonesty; (2) acts of discrimination, including harassment, prohibited by law or University policy; (3) acts of moral turpitude substantially related to the fitness of faculty members to engage in teaching, research, service/outreach and/or administration; (4) theft or misuse of University property; (5) incompetence; (6) refusal to perform reasonable assigned duties; (7) use of professional authority to exploit others; (8) violation of University policy substantially related to performance of faculty responsibilities; and (9) violation of law(s) substantially related to the fitness of faculty members to engage in teaching, research, service/outreach and/or administration. Dismissal for cause will follow Section 2.0 in the Procedures for the Dismissal of CA Staff for Cause.