FRIB-NSCL Faculty Positions
III. Appointment Basis
A. FRIB/NSCL Faculty are appointed on a full time, annual year (12 months) basis with salaries paid in 12 installments on the last working day of each month. An academic year (AY, 9 month) appointment may be recommended by the Laboratory Director based on program needs and the specific duties and responsibilities of the position. FRIB/NSCL Faculty appointed on an academic year basis are to be available for University duties from August 16 through May 15. The total AY appointment salary is paid over the duty period, on the last working day of each month.
B. Assistant Professors are appointed initially for a four-year fixed term and may be reappointed for a three-year fixed term. If not promoted to the rank of Associate Professor at the conclusion of the second fixed term appointment, the individual is ineligible for an additional reappointment.
An initial appointment as Associate Professor or Professor is normally for a fixed term of four years but may vary from 3 to 5 years as recommended by the Laboratory Director. The Laboratory Director may recommend a rolling fixed term five-year appointment for an initial appointment as Professor. Upon promotion to Associate Professor or Professor, the appointment will be for a rolling fixed term five-year appointment.