Faculty Handbook

Tenure Action and Promotion


Recommendations for actions under the tenure system and for promotions in rank are made in the department according to unit, college and university bylaws, policies and procedures.  Recommendations which do not involve the award of tenure are reviewed successively by the dean, the provost and the president, who makes the final decision. Recommendations which involve the award of tenure are reviewed successively by the dean, the provost, and the president, who makes the final recommendation to the Board of Trustees for action.  Department/school recommendations against reappointment or promotion of a tenured faculty member are reviewed by the dean and provost.  Since extensive information is needed to make an adequate evaluation of the performance of each faculty member to be recommended for reappointment, tenure, or promotion, a comprehensive form has been developed which provides space for reporting activities such as instruction--undergraduate, graduate, non-credit instruction, and academic advising; research and creative activities; service-within scholarly and professional organizations, within the University, within the broader community, e.g. MSU Extension, professional/patient care activities, International Studies and Programs, Urban Affairs Programs; other evidence of merit.  The expectations for each individual are dependent on the individual's particular assignment and the missions of the unit.

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