Faculty Handbook
Introduction Section
The Faculty Handbook provides information to help you as a faculty/academic staff member of Michigan State University. You will find most of the policies, regulations and procedures of the University either contained here in their entirety or referenced. Those which are not totally included because of their length or because they are peripheral to the faculty/academic staff mission can be found in other University publications. The following documents are general sources of information that may be of use to faculty and academic staff:
- The Faculty Handbook contains employment policies for faculty and academic staff. It is available from your department secretary, or Faculty and Academic Staff Affairs, 355-1526.
- The Bylaws for Academic Governance are available from your department secretary, or the Office of the Secretary for Academic Governance, 355-2337.
- The Academic Programs section of the University catalog contains: description of academic programs, mission statement, President's statement, honorary and professional organizations, etc. and is available from your department secretary, or from Room 50 Administration Building, 353-0720.
- The Board of Trustees Policy Manual contains all policies approved by the Board of Trustees of Michigan State University. It is available from the Office of the Secretary of the Board of Trustees, 353-4647, or in college offices.
The Bylaws of the Board of Trustees are available from the Office of the Secretary of the Board of Trustees, 353-4647.
Ordinances of Michigan State University are available for viewing at the Department of Police and Public Safety, 355-1830; or at the Reference Desk in the main Library.
Spartan Life, the student handbook and resource guide contains: student legislative and judicial procedure, Academic Freedom for Students at MSU, Graduate Student Rights and Responsibilities, student regulations, etc. and is available from Student Affairs and Services, 355-8286.
- The Manual of Business Procedures contains information regarding proper University business procedures. It is available from your department secretary.
Wherever possible, dates of adoption and sources have been included for University policies and regulations. For policies approved by the Board of Trustees, the original approval date and the date of the most recent amendment is provided. Dates of other actions by the Board on a particular policy may be found in the Board of Trustees' Policy Manual which is available in all college offices or from the Office of the Secretary of the Board of Trustees.
The Faculty Handbook is generally updated on an annual basis. It is the responsibility of the department chairperson/school director to maintain an updated copy to which faculty/academic staff may refer.
The responsibility for distributing information about changes rests with the Office of the Provost. Questions regarding content should first be addressed to your departmental chairperson or the director of your school.
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