Faculty Handbook

Model Unit Performance Evaluation Policy/Procedure

Annual Performance Review for Fixed Term Faculty and Academic Staff

I. Overview

II. Annual Performance Evaluation Process

A. The annual evaluation period shall be ________________________ (e.g. January 1 to December 31).

B. Each fixed term faculty/academic staff member must submit a written summary of activities not later than ________________________.

C. The written summary of activities and supporting documentation provide evidence to be used by the peer review committee (if applicable) and unit administrator in evaluating performance.

D. The unit administrator (e.g. department chair, school director, dean) shall review the performance of each fixed term faculty/academic staff member and shall prepare a written evaluation using the “Fixed Term Faculty and Academic Staff Annual Performance Evaluation” form.

E. The unit peer review committee may provide input to the unit administrator, but the administrator is responsible for evaluating the performance of each fixed term faculty and academic staff member consistent with the expectations for the position and policies of the unit.

F. Each significant area of the individual’s responsibility will be assessed by the unit administrator and an overall evaluation shall be provided.

G. The unit administrator shall provide a draft written evaluation prior to meeting with each individual to discuss the evaluation.

H. The unit administrator shall provide the written final evaluation within three months of the discussion of the evaluation with the fixed term faculty/academic staff member.

I. The fixed term faculty or academic staff member may attach a written statement to the evaluation if desired.

J. The fixed term faculty/academic staff member shall have the right to meet in person with the unit administrator or designee after the final written evaluation is received.

K. The unit administrator shall certify, through the Dean of the College, to the Office of the Provost that the evaluation has been completed.

III. Evaluation Criteria – the following categories will be included in any evaluation to the extent applicable:

A. Teaching (undergraduate, graduate, non-credit)

B. Research, creative activities and other scholarly effort

C. Advising, counseling, and other student services

D. Outreach

E. Curriculum development

F. Service (unit, college, university, professional)

G. Administration (i.e. duties related to a formal administrative assignment)

H. Overall Evaluation, which considers performance in all of the required performance areas relative to their percent time and importance.

NOTE: The evaluation should be based only on assigned duties, not those activities that the faculty or staff member chooses to do on a voluntary basis.


1   Units have the discretion to determine and promulgate the performance period. Many use a calendar year as the period; some use an academi
