Continuing Appointment System of FRIB-NSCL

08. Procedures for Recommending Reappointment, Promotion, and Continuing Status

8/08/2019; 4/19/2023

8.1. Reappointment, promotion, and Continuing Status reviews of CA staff are intended to advance the overall quality of the Laboratory's CA staff and of its research and construction programs. Criteria and standards will be comparable to the highest standards used in equivalent employment categories at other research laboratories.

8.2. Reappointment, promotion, and Continuing Status reviews will be initiated in one of three ways: a) The Vice Provost and Associate Vice President for Faculty and Academic Staff Affairs will send to the Director of the Laboratory a list of CA staff members for whom reappointment and continuing appointment actions are mandatory; b) The Reappointment Promotion Committees (RPC's) may identify CA staff members for reappointment with continuing status prior to the conclusion of probationary status[1] or optional promotions; c) The CA staff member may request a vote to form a review subcommittee by their RPC.

 8.3. Reappointment-Promotion Committees (RPC) for CA staff members in each professional category shall consist of all higher rank CA staff with Continuing Status in the professional specialty of the particular candidate, plus two higher rank members with Continuing Status from each of the professional specialties different from that of the candidate. If the candidate's line manager is not a regular member of the RPC, the line manager shall be made a non-voting member of the RPC. An RPC for Research staff may have membership from tenure system and FRIB faculty holding full or joint appointments in the Laboratory. The four members of each RPC representing professional specialties different from that of the candidate will be designated by the Director. If the designated professional category does not have more than one member at the required rank, a corresponding vacancy or vacancies shall exist in the RPC.

8.4. After reviewing the Evaluation Folders and holding appropriate discussions, the RPC will decide by vote which optional actions will be considered by subcommittees. Unless the committee decides otherwise, a vote of 40% of the full committee is required to form a subcommittee. If a committee member cannot be present at an RPC meeting where a vote will be taken, he/she may request an absentee ballot from the committee Chair. If an absentee ballot is not submitted to the Chair prior to the meeting, it will be considered an abstention.

8.5. Each FRIB Department Head, in consultation with the chair of the RPC, shall appoint a three person subcommittee of the RPC to consider reappointment, promotion, and continuing appointment status recommendations for CA staff members in her/his department.

8.5.1. The subcommittee shall base its judgment on its assessment of the staff member's performance and her/his overall contribution to the research and construction programs of the Laboratory.

8.5.2. The subcommittee will review the contents of the CA staff member's evaluation folder. Comments and information should be solicited from other members of the Laboratory, from appropriate outside referees, and from any other relevant information source. The subcommittee shall confer with the CA staff member's line manager and offer to consult the CA staff member.

8.5.3. The subcommittee shall present its written recommendations and the basis for the recommendation to the full RPC for the relevant professional category and grade.

8.6. Over 50% of the full committee must vote to recommend a reappointment or promotion action. If a committee member cannot be present at an RPC meeting where a vote will be taken, he/she may request an absentee ballot from the committee Chair. If an absentee ballot is not submitted to the Chair prior to the meeting, it will be considered an abstention. The recommendations of the RPC will be forwarded to the Department Head. If the Department Head considers an action different than the recommendation of the RPC, she/he shall meet with the RPC before taking such action and present reasons and hear comments from the RPC. The recommendation of the Department Head, along with the recommendation of the RPC, shall then be forwarded through line management successively to the Director and to the Provost or designee for appropriate action.

8.7. Reappointment, promotion, or Continuing Status recommendations shall be communicated to the Provost or designee for each recommendation via submission of the FRIB Reappointment, Promotion, and Continuing Status form. The Provost or designee will review the recommendations of the Director no later than November 1 prior to the ending date of the probationary appointment. The CA staff member will be informed in writing regarding his/her appointment status no later than the December 15th following the review.

8.8. The awarding of Continuing Status will be based on a record of sustained, outstanding achievement in their field. A recommendation for promotion from the rank of Engineer FRIB, Physicist FRIB or Assistant Professor FRIB to Staff Engineer FRIB, Staff Scientist FRIB or Associate Professor FRIB, or from the rank of Staff Engineer FRIB, Staff Scientist FRIB, or Associate Professor FRIB, to Senior Engineer FRIB, Senior Scientist FRIB or Professor FRIB should be based on several years of sustained, outstanding achievements in their field.

8.9. All personnel actions under the CA system are reported to the Board of Trustees of Michigan State University.

[1] P robationary staff  being considered for Continuing Appointment status and not recommended for Continuing Appointment status shall not be precluded from consideration for Continuing Appointment at the end of the probationary period.

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