Archivist Handbook

1.5. Extension of Probationary Appointment

Extensions of the probationary appointment may be requested from the Associate Provost and Associate Vice President for Faculty and Academic Staff Affairs for reasons related to childbirth, adoption, the care of an ill and/or disabled child, spouse, or parent; personal illness; to receive prestigious awards, fellowships, and/or special assignment opportunities; or other such serious constraints.

To request an extension of the probationary appointment, the Director of the University Archives must submit a memorandum to the Associate Provost and Associate Vice President for Faculty and Academic Staff Affairs that includes the following information:

  1. the specific reason delineated in this policy that justifies an exception to the standard procedures governing the Archivist continuous appointment system;
  2. clear explanation of the impact of the specified condition on the normal activities of the archivist;
  3. what is expected to be achieved at the end of the requested extension, including the prospects for success, and a description of the resources and/or proposed changes that will be made to facilitate success;
  4. a current curriculum vitae and a one-page summary of prior assignments and major duties during the previous three years for the archivist seeking the extension;
  5. endorsement and signatures of the Archivist, Director, and Chief Information Officer and Director of Information Technology.

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