Academic Hiring Manual

4.1 When to Use an On-Call Appointment/Reappointment


Academic on-call appointments/reappointments are provided for individuals (with employee status) appointed on a short-term, as-needed basis for all non-credit academic activities where payment and service may vary. In addition to the usual University-approved position/ranks and titles, such as instructor, academic specialist for curriculum development or outreach activities, advisor, etc. used for academic appointments, the following position/ranks may be used for on-call appointments: Interpreter, Program Presenter, Tutor.

If an individual is to be appointed to teach or co-teach a credit course, an on-call appointment cannot be used; instead, the individual is to be appointed on a fixed term faculty or academic staff employee basis and regular academic personnel hiring procedures are required. See the "Academic Hiring Procedure".

To determine whether an individual may be processed as an independent contractor, see the Manual of Business Procedures and the Independent Contractor Status - Determination and Documentation form. Questions concerning independent contractor status should be directed to Purchasing (517-355-1700).

Payment of On-Call Wages

In compliance with the Michigan Wages and Fringe Benefits Act, all on-call payments must be processed and paid either on the established bi-weekly or monthly payrolls. In addition, all work performed in the on-call assignment must be paid at regular pay period intervals during the course of the assignment including the final payment for the assignment, which must be paid on the applicable pay date that reflects the period in which the last day was worked.

The following examples provide permissible/impermissible arrangements:

Impermissible: An on-call employee is hired to provide services during each month between the months of January through May, and the unit states they will provide payment to the employee at the beginning and end of the project (i.e., ½ payment in February and ½ payment in May).

Permissible: An on-call employee is hired to provide services during each month between the months of January through May. The employing unit pays the individual in five installments for the regular monthly payroll periods in January, February, March, April and May. 

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