Academic Hiring Manual

1.5 - Academic Hiring Processes

Last updated: 7/26/2021 (details at bottom of page)

At Michigan State University, academic hiring occurs under three processes: 

Posted position/Posted MSUE position

All employment openings must be posted with the appropriate employment service delivery system (ESDS). To satisfy this requirement, MSU will post all faculty and academic staff openings locally through our applicant tracking system (PageUp) as well as through Michigan Talent Connect. MSU Human Resources will be responsible for managing the posting process through Michigan Talent Connect. Units will post openings through PageUp. 

Requested exception to the posting process

While most employment openings will be posted, MSU offers the ability for hiring units to request an exception to the posting process. These requests shall be made under very limited circumstances. To request an exception to the posting process, the hiring unit will choose from the following reasons and will provide written justification for the request:

While in some cases position openings in MSU’s executive management category will meet OFCCP’s definition of “executive or senior management”, we will strongly encourage a posting and search process for these employment openings.

All requests for exceptions to the posting requirement will be reviewed by the Office of the Provost and the Office for Inclusion and Intercultural Initiatives.

Direct Appointment

Positions that are not required to be posted will be filled utilizing the appointment form. These positions include:


Last updated - 7/26/2021- Updated emergency exception reason statement to include information around the inability to reappoint if using this reason.

5/21/2018 – updated hiring practices and eliminated waiver language

1/14/16 - added clarification as to the intent of waiver 2

1/09/2014 - added fellow to waiver reason 10.

6/17/2013 - changes made to waivers 2 to become Visiting waiver, 4 to become the no pay/on-call waiver, and removal of waivers 9 and 12.

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